Play like Ray: maximise your game, minimise your score

Play like Ray: maximise your game, minimise your score
The Elements of Scoring by legendary golfer Ray Floyd is required reading if you’re serious about improving your handicap.
Floyd’s focus on the way you play and practical approach to scoring efficiency will guarantee you fewer strokes and a better overall game.
Here’s some takeaways you can apply to your home net practice.

Baseline for success
Floyd suggests evaluating your game to identify areas for improvement. Get the ball rolling with a FREE PGA Pro Swing Analysis as part of the Spornia Swing Success program.

Go long on short
Floyd emphasises chipping and pitching as crucial for lowering scores and says spending more time on these skills will pay off. 
Perfection is the enemy…
Rather than chasing perfection, Floyd stresses consistency. Hitting good, solid shots more often leads to better scores than the occasional hero shot.
Practice with purpose
Focus your net practice on specific areas of your game that need improvement and set realistic goals for each session to track your progress.